I contacted the council following another recent flooding episode in Cedar
Road, near to the junction with Forthill
Road, to find out what progress has be made
in getting it sorted. This is something I have been pursuing for a long time and
have regular correspondence with the council and Scottish Water about. In
recent years the flooding has resulted in a surcharge of sewage.
In response I received this update from the City Development Department:
As noted in the Local Flood Risk Management Plan, Scottish Water,
Dundee City Council, Perth & Kinross and Angus Council are currently
working together to deliver a comprehensive Tayside Integrated Catchment Study.
The aim of the study is to understand the complex interactions between the
various sources and pathways of flooding (surface water, sewers, burns etc) and
determine the most appropriate way of reducing flood risk.
The integrated catchment study model is now complete and has identified
numerous flood clusters within the catchment area. One such area includes the
need for increased sewerage capacity downstream of Cedar Road. The next stage
of the study is to prioritise the flood clusters to be taken on to the optioneering
stage which considers alternative solutions and costs. Outline design of the
selected option will follow including confirmation of the necessary funding.
Thereafter, detailed design will be taken forward by the appropriate authority
or jointly depending on the solution proposed. Given the necessary preparatory
work required, unfortunately it is unlikely that any schemes arising from the
Tayside Integrated Catchment Study will be constructed before 2018.
Until the integrated catchment study is fully completed and detailed
proposals to resolve sewerage capacity issues are developed, there will
continue to be a risk of out of sewer flooding during extreme rainfall events.
Scottish Water have confirmed previously that they will continue to
carry out planned sewerage cleaning maintenance and any sewerage system repairs
necessary to maintain the current capacity of the sewerage system at Cedar
Road. They will also continue to carry out any necessary clean ups of the area
if they are made aware of any flooding events. The Scottish Water contact
centre telephone number is 0845 601 8855.