Saturday, 9 July 2016

Broughty Ferry YMCA

I was delighted to attend a cheese and wine event at Broughty Ferry YMCA last night to help celebrate its 150 th anniversary.
We were entertained with a talk on the history of the building, a piper, a ballet demonstration by Ferry Dance School and music from a local group. There was also a wonderful collection of photographs of activities in the YMCA from over the years and general photographs of Broughty Ferry locations.
The YMCA in Broughty Ferry was founded in premises in Gray Street in 1866, before moving nine years later to the present premises in Brook Street. Some work has been done recently to improve the premises and more refurbishment is planned.
Many thanks to the staff, committee and local volunteers who do so much to help provide a community facility with activities for all ages and for playing such a significant part in Broughty Ferry lives.