Monday 16 September 2013

Development Management Committee

There were no planning applications at tonight’s Development Management Committee for locations within the Ferry ward but there were three applications elsewhere in Dundee that I thought would be of interest to Broughty Ferry residents (and others further afield).
The committee agreed to an application for the erection of a memorial in commemoration of those who lost their lives in the Tay Rail Bridge disaster. It takes the form of three granite slabs to be located in a small area of hard landscaped ground close to the Tay Rail Bridge. The granite slabs will contain the names of those who died.
The committee also agreed to a proposal that will see a cinema brought back to the city centre.  The new cinema complex is to be located within part of the Wellgate Shopping Centre and in part of the building which incorporates the library. There will be a reconfiguration to accommodate the cinema and the library requirement. The works will be phased to allow the library to continue to be operational throughout. In addition there will be a remodelling of the entrance at the Murraygate. The façade will be replaced with a glazed entrance feature of modern design
Planning consent was also approved for the change of use of the former Caird Hall Box Office in City Square to form a restaurant. No alterations are proposed to the exterior of the building which has a granite frontage with carved decorative panels and bronze decorative fascia.