Tuesday 16 September 2014

Dundee Road pedestrian refuge update

I previously asked the council’s City Development Department, on behalf of the residents of Ravenscraig Gardens, if a pedestrian refuge could be provided to assist them in crossing Dundee Road to access the bus stop. Dundee Road is fairly wide at this location and the volume of traffic makes it difficult to cross. In response the head of transportation has advised me:
‘Consideration can be given for a central refuge island however there is already an island to the west near Ralston Road and an island to the east near Ellieslea Road.  Both these islands are relatively close, in terms of walking routes travelling east or west from / to Ravenscraig Gardens and serve large area wishing to cross the Dundee Road…… I will arrange to review this location further but at this stage no firm plans are in place to provide additional central refuge islands in this area of Dundee Road.’
I’m told that by keeping it under review sometimes an unknown factor or consideration is raised which might highlight the need for a refuge island.