Saturday 21 June 2014

Road safety issues

Pedestrian crossing

A new pedestrian crossing is to be installed on Queen Street between West End Garage and Pizza Hut. The location is where large numbers of children cross the road to make their way to Grove Academy and Eastern Primary School. The school crossing patroller does a great job but a view has been taken that pedestrian safety would be enhanced by introducing a light controlled crossing. This is something that has been requested by parents for some time and was looked at by the council’s school, parking and pupil safety working group. It is anticipated that it will be installed in October.

20mph limits

At Monday’ City Development Committee the council is going to be asked to consider 20mph speed limits in residential streets. The policy of the council currently is to prioritise pedestrian accident injury sites for analysis and treatment. This policy essentially targets the council’s resources to locations where injury accidents are actually occurring, rather than installing traffic calming on roads where there is no injury accident history. It is also of the view that 20mph limits should only be implemented in residential roads in the city where physical traffic calming can be introduced which would ensure that the new limits are self enforcing and that actual speeds are reduced significantly. I think a consultation with communities on this matter would be welcome. I would be interested to know what you think.