Monday 28 April 2014

Request for a pedestrian refuge

Over the years I have been contacted by residents of Ravenscraig Gardens about the difficulty they have in crossing Dundee Road due to the volume and speed of traffic and the width of the carriageway at this point.

The possibility of providing a pedestrian refuge has been investigated previously but it was concluded by the council that there wouldn’t be the footfall to support it and also due to the geometry of the road a refuge couldn’t be located on a natural desire line. I was told that the location would be included on the list of outstanding works but it would be with a low priority.

I have raised the subject again with the City Development Department now that the speed limit on Dundee Road has been reduced to 30 mph and I have been advised by the head of transportation that the network management team will assess this request again to see if a solution is possible. The engineers will report back in due course.