Saturday 26 April 2014

Repair works to manhole on foreshore

Last year I posted about an intermittent leak from a manhole on the foreshore adjacent to the Riverside walkway from Douglas Terrace. Scottish Water has recently advised me that permanent repair works will commence on Monday 28 April which will necessitate the closure of Douglas Terrace at the railway bridge during week commencing 12 May. All works should be completed during week commencing 19 May. Scottish Water is issuing a leaflet to residents in the area with the following information:
‘……A contractor has now been appointed to undertake permanent repair works which will eliminate the leak and reinstate the original foreshore condition. Discussions have been ongoing with Dundee City Council and SEPA to ensure that work within the inter-tidal zone can be done safely and with no environmental impact.
Work will commence on Monday 28th April and will see the contractor set up a site compound at the West Ferry Pumping Station with a linked working area on to the foreshore. This area will be fenced off in line with normal construction site practices. Demolition of the manhole will then take place over a number of days and into the following week. There will be some localised noise associated with this work but the activity will only take place during daylight hours, tidal conditions permitting.
One of the key aspects of the works will be the management of wastewater flows during the reconstruction works. In agreement with Dundee City Council, during the week commencing 12th May, wastewater flows will temporarily be pumped from Broughty Ferry Road into West Ferry Pumping Station. This will require a closure of Douglas Terrace at the railway bridge. A Traffic Management Plan has been agreed with the Council and will ensure access to property is maintained. We expect all works to be completed during the week commencing 19th May. We would like apologise for any temporary disruption that may be caused during these essential works…….’