Monday 3 March 2014

Platform at Broughty Ferry Station

I previously posted about my correspondence with TACTRAN, the regional transport partnership, regarding the height of the platform at Broughty Ferry Station. TACTRAN, in pursuing the issue, had been informed by Network Rail that the condition of the platform had been reviewed and that there could be an opportunity to raise the platform should funding be available within its current control period (CP4) and if the work couldn’t be funded within CP4 then it would be undertaken in CP5, which starts in 2014/15.

In response to an enquiry from Broughty Ferry Community Council, First Scotrail provided stepping-boxes at the station towards the end of last year, but unfortunately these didn’t work too well as sometimes the step boxes aligned with the train doors and sometime they didn’t. 

Network Rail’s current control period is due to end soon so last week I contacted TACTRAN again to ask if platform works had been included in Network Rail’s new control period. TACTRAN told me that it has asked for an update on when the work is programmed and also about possible other low cost solutions to deal with the height problem in the short term.