Saturday 11 January 2014

Traffic on Strathern Road

Over the years I have been contacted by residents of Strathern Road about the increasing volume of traffic using the thoroughfare and the speed at which some vehicles are travelling at.

Last year, at my request, the council carried out a series of speed surveys along Strathern Road and Craigie Drive and whilst some vehicles were identified as speeding the council concluded that flows and speeds were as would be expected on such a major route.  The police were made aware of the speed surveys and give the vicinity occasional enforcement.

In recent weeks local residents have asked me if the speed of traffic on Strathern Road could be looked at again. I have raised the matter with the council’s transportation manager asking for his comments and I have suggested that it might be useful installing a vehicle activated sign that lights up to advise drivers of the 30mph limit, similar to the one on Arbroath Road near to Kemnay Place.