Tuesday 16 July 2013

Surface dressing works on Dundee Road West

I have been contacted by residents about the recent surface dressing works on Dundee Road West. The concerns mentioned to me include the amount of dust that has been thrown up and whether the works have been effective as existing cracks in the carriageway are showing in the new surface.
I raised the matter with the roads maintenance partnership and in response I have been advised that when the treatment is applied initially there are some loose stone chippings and an element of dust. The action of the traffic assists in embedding the stone chippings into the road surface and as a result some dust will emanate into the surrounding environment which normally should only last for a short period of time. The road has been swept regularly to remove the loose stones and dust but the on-going prolonged dry spell is not helping.
There is to be a final sweep carried out this week prior to the road markings being replaced and I am told this will be carried out using water at the same time which should further address dust issues.
In respect of the effectiveness of the works I have been advised that the process is not structural but rather a preventative treatment to seal the road, improve skid resistance and prolong its life. Existing road joints and tracks will reflect through the surface; however this is normal for the treatment as the stone chips are imbedded into the existing surface.