Sunday 13 January 2013

More potholes

There is a proliferation of potholes in local roads at the moment. The incessant wet weather seems to have left them in a poorer state than they were following the extended period of snow and ice a couple of years ago. I have reported quite a few in recent weeks  to Dundee City Council’s Roads Maintenance Partnership, the most recent is in Abertay Street, where there is a couple of deep pot holes near to the junction with Gordon Street. A large part of the surface also continues to be worn away. 
According to the council it filled in 17,500 potholes in the first 10 months of 2012 and that was before we were hit by the flooding!  The Conservative Group previously tried to get Dundee City Council council to allocate more funding to road reconstructions but unfortunately our approach was rejected by the council's SNP administration.