Dundee Road
The new 30 mph speed limit on Dundee Road
between Margaret Crescent and Ellieslea Road was introduced this morning at
9.30 following the rush hour.
Dog bins Lower Broughty Ferry Road
It was established that two dog bins were
missing and these have now been replaced.
Whinny Brae
The carriageway from Queen Street to
Rowanbank Gardens is currently provisionally included in the 2014/15 resurfacing
programme subject to finance being available and priorities remaining
Claypotts Road/Brook Street/Dundee Road/Westfield
Road junction
order was raised to fill a number of potholes and the area will be considered
for future localised patching subject to funding being available. It will be
monitored during routine inspections and any defects noted will be repaired to
ensure safety is maintained.