Sunday 27 August 2017

Community infrastructure fund

The council recently established a community infrastructure fund and intends using a participatory budgeting model to involve local residents in identifying proposals and allocating funding.  The intention is to strengthen participation in public decision making. Each council electoral ward has been allocated £150,000 and as a first step the data gathered during the Engage Dundee consultation will help determine what the projects might be.

Proposals identified will not replace current budget commitments but could be used to enhance existing proposals or accelerate work. The final decision on works to be funded will rest with the local community and will be carried out in 2018/19.

It has been recommended, that as a guide, a minimum level of £30,000 and a maximum of £150,000 is set for projects. There is also a need to ensure that there are a number of proposals to take to a community vote.

The Ferry also get £20,000 a year from the community regeneration fund which the community planning partnership uses to award smaller grants to local groups to assist with projects that help meet the objectives of the local community plan.

An appropriate model for deciding how the community will vote on potential projects for the infrastructure fund will be required but it is likely to include on-line and public events. This is an exciting development and I look forward to being involved in the process.