Sunday 13 December 2015

Ward boundary update

Victoria Road
Since the consultation by the Local Government Boundary Commission for Scotland ended in October I have been looking out for an update on its website as I am keen to see what the outcome is for the proposal to move part of West Ferry from The Ferry ward into the East End ward. Despite it being nearly eight weeks since representations had to be submitted no update has been posted. However a Freedom of Information request by the Evening Telegraph has revealed that 971 objections were submitted, which is amazing. This is one of the greatest responses to a public consultation on a local matter that I have seen in my time as a councillor.
When Dundee City Council considered the boundary commission’s initial proposal, which would have seen a boundary running down Fairfield Road I moved an amendment which would have resulted in the council advising the commission that it didn’t support the proposal to transfer West Ferry (Polling District EAW and part of Polling District EAN) to the East End ward but councillors from the other political parties chose not to support my amendment, preferring instead a motion from the SNP administration which supported an option that creates a boundary for The Ferry ward at Victoria Road.  
I moved my amendment to retain the existing western boundary of The Ferry ward i.e. at Dundee and Angus College Gardyne Campus, because having served as a Broughty Ferry councillor for many years I was aware of the community, social and historical ties that would be broken by changing the boundary and the likely concern this would be for local residents. It seems my instinct was correct given the unprecedented level of response.