Wednesday 2 September 2015

Community voice

It was great to see so many people at the Broughty Ferry Community Council meeting last night to show their support for keeping West Ferry in The Ferry electoral ward. I don’t know what the exact number was but it was certainly more than 200 residents and perhaps as many as 300, which is quite a turn out for a public meeting. Hopefully the boundary commission will take note of it.

The commission is tasked with ensuring that each councillor in a council area represents, as near as possible, the same number of electors while also taking into account other factors such as local ties. I take the view that West Ferry has a significant number of community, social and historical links with the rest of Broughty Ferry so to me it just makes sense to try and keep them in the same electoral ward even if the end result is an elector to councillor ratio higher than the norm.

Many thanks to the community council for hosting the meeting and to the West Ferry Residents Action Group for making people aware of what is being proposed.

The public consultation runs until 22 October so there is still plenty of time for people to send in comments if they are so minded. You can find out more information about the consultation on the boundary commission website which is: