Friday 15 May 2015

Road repairs

Regular readers of my blog will be aware that I take a great deal of interest in the condition of our roads and pavements. I frequently walk around Broughty Ferry with a notebook in hand to record the location of the potholes I come across. When I report these to the council they are dealt with effectively and generally any defects are attended to well within the target repair time.
When a street appears to me to be in need of a more permanent repair I ask when it is likely to be included in a programme of works. In my view this is a more cost effective solution that constant pothole filling and patching.  Many of the streets I have highlighted as requiring attention feature in the Road Maintenance Partnership’s programme for 2015/16. King Street (from Westfield Road to Fort Street) St. Vincent Street (King Street to Beach Crescent) and Brown Street (from Brook Street to King Street) are to be resurfaced. West Queen Street has recently been completed.
Preventative surface treatments are to be carried out in Nursery Road and Abertay Street. The carriageways in Portree Avenue, Ardmore Avenue, Invermark Terrace, Boyd Place, Hutton Place, Ramsay Street, Strome Terrace, Golspie Terrace, Claypotts Castle Gardens, Westerton Avenue, Langholm Gardens and the streets in the Dawson housing area are to receive a thin overlay, providing a new top surface.

I’m pleased to see that so many are to be getting something done to them but I will of course continue to keep a lookout out for any annoying potholes.