Sunday 8 March 2015

Recycling roadshows

I have been advised of the local roadshows that have been arranged to further communicate the forthcoming changes to recycling services. These have been scheduled at various times during the day and in the evening and residents of properties located within phase one of the roll out will have the opportunity to find out more about the changes. There will be five sessions in total held in Broughty Ferry Library:
  • Monday 16 March 10am to 12pm and 5pm to 7pm
  • Wednesday 18 March 12pm to 2pm
  • Friday 20 March 10am to12pm and 5pm to 7pm.
All households in phase one will have by now received a letter advising them of the changes. Detailed information leaflets are in the process of being delivered. The delivery of the new containers will commence from Monday  with the first collections due to start w/c 23 March.