Sunday 16 November 2014

Gillies Park

Over the years I have requested work to be done to improve the surface of the car park in Gillies Park which always resulted in some infilling. There are again some very large holes present however this time I have received some good news on more substantial action that is to be taken.
 Back in June the council’s School Parking and Pupil Safety Working Group, of which I am a member, had a site visit to Barnhill Primary School to look at traffic movements around the school entrances, it was considered at that time that as the use of the car park at Gillies Park would increase due to the new school extension it would be good to have it properly surfaced. I was a meeting last week attended by the council’s chief executive and head of transportation. I took the opportunity to speak to them about the car park at Gillies Park and to get an update from them and I was told that an estimate for the cost of resurfacing the car park had been sought and the intention is to proceed with the works, weather dependant, early in the New Year.