Sunday 11 May 2014

Sign update

I refer to my earlier post regarding the faded sign on Dundee Road. The council’s head of transportation has advised me that the sign was installed by Tayside Contracts as a temporary printed version of a permanent sign but unfortunately the permanent sign was never installed. Apparently these signs should be removed three months after a change in a speed limit has been implemented and it is anticipated that the advisory signs on both eastern and western approaches to the new section of 30 mph speed limit will shortly be removed.

Drivers should drive at 30 mph in street lit sections of road, unless signage indicates otherwise (i.e. the small speed repeater signs on 40 mph sections of street lit roads). However the head of transportation has confirmed that his traffic engineers are planning on installing a vehicle activated speed limit reminder sign which is likely to be moved around different locations such as Monifieth Road and Strathern Road where there is also concern about vehicle speeds.