Monday 30 December 2013

Call for white ‘H’ advisory markings

I continue to be contacted by residents in the vicinity of the Grove Academy/Eastern Primary School campus about obstructions at their driveways caused by inconsiderate parking. Although the council continues to monitor the area and has taken action to deal with some situations, such as the pinch point in Albert Gardens where extended double yellow lines are proposed, there doesn’t appear to be much that the council can do to stop vehicles parking so close to a driveway that the sightlines are impeded and the space available to manoeuvre is restricted.
However some properties, in Albert Road for instance and elsewhere, have courtesy ‘H’ white lines extending across their driveways drawing attention to the need to keep these areas clear and by and large they are observed. Those in Albert Road were provided by the council a number of years ago to deal with parking issues associated with Grove Academy and are refreshed by the council when they become faded. You have probably seen them in various locations around Dundee where there is heavy demand for on-street parking. Since the opening of the new Grove Academy and the relocation of Eastern Primary school I have repeatedly asked for these courtesy lines to be provided at the other properties that are having difficulties, most noticeably at the western end of Albert Road.
Unfortunately the City Development Department always responds that it can’t agree to further white H markings as these are no longer supported by police or parking enforcement and with very restricted revenue budgets for new schemes and maintenance it would be difficult to reintroduce the widespread use of them.
I intend to contact the Chief Executive of Dundee City Council to ask if he will agree to review this matter and perhaps allow new markings to be provided where it is clear that there are repeated and on-going problems, especially around the Grove/Eastern campus.