Thursday 29 August 2013

Scottish Water update

Scottish Water has issued a further update on the work to deal with the intermittent wastewater leaks near to Douglas Terrace:
“I am writing with an update regarding the work on Broughty Ferry Beach near Douglas Terrace.
I can confirm temporary pumping has continued however due to local concerns about noise, our operators Veolia have stopped using a diesel generator and installed an electric pump to support flow transfer through the pumping station.
As confirmed in my previous response, work to fix the leak at the Douglas Terrace manhole was completed over the weekend of 10 August.  The temporary pumping mentioned above has also been successful in stopping any further leaks from the walkway manhole.
With regards to the permanent repair of the walkway manhole, it’s anticipated that a contractor will be appointed by the end of September, early October and I will continue to keep you updated once a start date for this work has been confirmed.
I understand SEPA have continued to inspect the area and no further concerns or issues have been raised.”