Wednesday 6 February 2013

High hedges

I thought readers would be interested to learn that on Tuesday the Scottish Parliament debated Stage 1 of the High Hedges (Scotland) Bill. Representing an area that has a great many mature gardens I fairly regularly receive complaints about high hedges. At the moment any dispute about garden hedges which encroach on neighbouring properties is a civil matter. The new law if introduced will allow council’s to help resolve disputes about hedges of a certain height.
Scottish Conservative local government spokeswoman Margaret Mitchell MSP said: “This issue has been debated in the Scottish Parliament for nearly a decade. Disputes over high hedges can last a number of years, and can have an adverse effect on the health and wellbeing of both parties. Residents would be able to complain to councils on the basis that hedges on neighbouring land are considered to have an ‘adverse effect on the reasonable enjoyment of domestic property’.
 It’s important to note that this bill would be intended as an option of last resort. It’s also crucial that the cost of high hedge orders does not become so prohibitive that local authorities or applicants will not use them.”