Tuesday 31 January 2017

Hedge- Queen Street Car Park

Residents will have noticed the removal of the hedge at Queen Street Car Park. I contacted the council’s Neighbourhood Services Department about it when I saw it had been taken down  and was advised that it will be replaced with a yew hedge, which I understand is a good maintenance-friendly hedge.  A post and wire fence will be put up, with the new hedge planting scheduled for next week.

There are plans to site an electric vehicle charging hub at this side of the car park and I'm told that the replacement of the hedge will assist with the overall plan for the charging hub, including a covered enclosure. Neighbourhood Services had been looking at doing something with the hedge before the hub designs were created and had discussed it at Broughty Ferry Community Council and the local community planning partnership. Nevertheless it still came as a surprise to to see it gone.

Sunday 29 January 2017

Take Pride in Your City, February events

February’s events include a volunteering session at Broughty Ferry Local Nature Reserve and beach helping the Countryside Ranger Service with some practical work.

Friday 27 January 2017

Broughty Ferry Post Office

I was concerned to see that Broughty Ferry Post Office had closed its doors. It is essential to have a Post Office in a central location in Broughty Ferry, as the suggested alternatives are too far away for people with no transport. It is also important for Broughty Ferry, as a significant district shopping centre, that it has its own Post Office branch. When the closure was brought to my attention I contacted the Post Office customer care team and I have now received the following response:
“Unfortunately the Broughty Ferry Post Office has temporarily closed due to circumstances outside of our control. Please be assured our Field teams are working hard to resolve the situation, however, I am unable to advise a timeframe at this moment in time.”
While it's good to know that there is likely to be a resolution, I hope it doesn’t take too long. I will contact Post Office again for an update in the next few days.

Sunday 22 January 2017

Ferrytime coffee drop in

This is the first of a regular Ferrytime coffee drop in.   There will be some live music from one of the timebank’s members who will be playing the piano/keyboard.

Monday 16 January 2017

Men's Shed

On Saturday 28th January, from 11am, YMCA Broughty Ferry, Broughty Ferry Timebank and Rosendael Veteran's Association will be pleased to welcome the local community into the workshop-in-progress in the grounds of the YMCA.
Those with an interest in making and creating, skilled or unskilled, are all invited to sample and shape the Men's Shed at YMCA Broughty Ferry.

Saturday 14 January 2017

New warning signs

I have been approached a few times by residents about the narrowness of the short path on The Esplanade, from Mill Street Car Park to Broughty Castle. There is no railing on the beach side and in the past, due to the narrowness, there have been some near misses between cyclists and pedestrians. Last year it was reported that there had been an accident when a dog walker was knocked over by a cyclists on the path. Some cyclists are using it rather than using the Green Circular through Castle Green or using the road around Castle Green.
It’s great to see so many cyclists and walkers out and about in the area but it is clear that this path isn’t suitable as a shared route. Following the accident last year signs were put up advising ‘narrow path, no cycling, cyclists dismount.’ I reported a recent occurrence of a near miss to the council and after consideration by one of the council’s corporate health and safety officers new signs are to be erected as shown here. These should be in place by the end of the month.

Saturday 7 January 2017

Community feedback event

This event is to highlight the findings of the recent Engage Broughty Ferry consultation and to look at how individuals and groups can help deliver solutions to the issues raised.

Tuesday 3 January 2017

Castle Green

Council committees start again on 9 January and one of the items on the Neighbourhood Services Committee is seeking approval for playground improvements at various sites totalling £74,000.
The improvements are being carried out either to address existing health and safety concerns at some of the locations, to enhance the amenity of the facilities, and to help reduce the long term future maintenance costs. Included in the proposed works is the replacement of the steel framed suspension rope swing at Castle Green.

Broughty Ferry has a number of beautiful parks and open spaces and I have previously posted on the improvements to be carried out at Dawson Park, Orchar Park and Reres Hill. Castle Green is a really busy play area and it’s good to see the full complement of play equipment being restored.