A few items at yesterday's council committee meetings
that relate to Broughty Ferry.
The City Development Committee considered the
request to review parking in central Broughty Ferry to remove unnecessary
lining which could be utilised by residents, shoppers and businesses who struggle
to find suitable parking. I reported on this in an earlier blog. The outcome of
the traffic survey carried out over the summer has resulted in the preparation
of a traffic regulation variation order which will create 38 new unrestricted parking spaces and 14 new
limited waiting parking spaces.
The committee also agreed to a tender for works
that will see the formation of a new external boiler house at Craigiebarns Primary
School and the installation of a new boiler prior to the renewal of the heating
system within the school.
The Policy and Resources Committee considered
the usual monthly report on proposals for the community regeneration fund
allocations. I took the opportunity to ask the administration to give an
undertaking, given the savings that have to be made from the council budget,
that the same level of allocation of funding to all eight multi member wards
would continue in 2016/17. I campaigned for a long time for Broughty Ferry to
get something from this fund and the allocation it currently gets has supported
a number of worthwhile projects, so it would be disappointing if it were to be
stopped. Thankfully the finance convenor said yes.
The Environment Committee considered proposals
to undertake public open space improvements at a number of locations, these included
regeneration of the planted area adjacent to the Arbroath Road entrance of Dawson
Park; general improvement works at Castle Green, including the replacement of existing
chespale fencing with metal bow top fencing; removal of the hedge along the
northern side of Orchar Park.
The Housing Committee agreed to consult with council
tenants for a two month period on the proposed options for the rent increase
from 2016/17, these are: 1%, which will see the current standards maintained;
1.5 %, which will maintain the current standards and provide for additional environmental
improvements of £225,000; and 2%, which will also allow for additional capital expenditure
of £2.5M to advance the energy efficiency programme. Other charges are being maintained
at their current level including the additional charge on top of the rent for sheltered
housing of £26.94 per week.