Saturday, 29 August 2015

Temporary traffic order

I have been advised that Dundee City Council propose to make a temporary traffic order for the purpose of facilitating rail bridge maintenance works.  The Order is expected to be in force for 3 weeks from 12 September 2015. 
The effect of the Order is to prohibit temporarily all vehicular traffic in St Vincent Street between Monifieth Road and Brook Street. Works will be carried out on a night shift and therefore the road will only be closed between 10 pm and 6 am.
 An alternative route will be available via Brook Street, Gray Street and Queen Street.

Friday, 28 August 2015

Electric car test drive day

The Energy Saving Trust is holding an event at Queen Street car park tomorrow (Saturday 29 August) where people will have an opportunity to test drive an electric car.
There is no need to register, just go along at any time between 10.00am and 3.00pm with your driving licence. Electric cars available to test drive will include: Nissan Leaf, BWMi3, Mitsubishi Outlander, Renault Zoe.
 The council recently installed a couple of electric car charging points in the car park.

Thursday, 27 August 2015


There was an item considered at this week’s Policy and Resources Committee regarding conferences. A report was tabled recommending that the council’s chief executive be given delegated authority to approve the attendance of councillors at conferences and certain one-off events. I appreciate that some business has to be delegated to officers to ensure the efficient running of the council but I don’t think this falls into that category.
Until now attendance at conferences required to be specifically authorised by committee for each event. It is my view that decisions to send councillors to conferences should be transparent and made in public so that taxpayers can see how their money is being spent.
Personally I don’t agree that there is a need to send councillors to conferences, especially at a time when the council has to make significant savings in its budget. Instead I think it is perfectly acceptable for council managers who attend conferences in their professional capacity to cascade any information to councillors on their return. Conferences are very expensive; some of them cost hundreds of pounds per attendee, and I think the money could be better spent.
At the meeting I moved that the attendance of elected members at conferences or one-off events should remain within the remit of the relevant council committee to ensure on going public scrutiny of this expenditure. My amendment won the support of the opposition councillors but was defeated by the SNP majority.

Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Funding awards

I long campaigned for Broughty Ferry to receive an allocation of funding from the Community Regeneration Fund and the council eventually agreed to invite the Ferry ward community planning partnership to allocate grants each year from an allocation of  £10,000  to initiatives that will help meet the objectives of is community plan. The latest awards were agreed at Monday’s Policy and Resources Committee.
Grove Academy received £3,500 as a contribution towards the cost of installation of Wi-Fi hubs which will also be made available for use by community groups accessing the school premises.  Grove Academy was also allocated £3,000 as a contribution towards its ‘Life to the Full’ project which works with S3 pupils on topics including healthy relationships, safe use of social media and confidence in making their own decisions.
£972 was awarded to the community regeneration team to purchase ICT equipment, including a laptop and projector that will be available for use by local community groups during talks, presentations and other events.
Broughty Ferry Traders Association was awarded £465 for hire of the stage and marquee tent used at the Broughty Ferry Christmas lights switch-on.

Friday, 21 August 2015

Lawrence Street

It was brought to my attention that the camber of the pavement at the north west corner of the Lawrence Street/Brook Street junction causes some difficulties to wheel chair users. I raised the matter with the Road Maintenance Partnership and have received the following response:
‘… the characteristics of the footway on the west side of the Lawrence Street/ Brook Street junction are less than ideal. Although no actionable defects have been noted with the location, improvement works have been identified and a number of improvements are being considered. These may include renewing the footway surface of the corner section, altering the up stand of the kerbs to lessen the gradient and re-locating the sign pole. An order will be raised once proposals have been decided upon with a view to these works being carried out this financial year.’

Saturday, 8 August 2015

Orchar Park

It was brought to my attention that while Orchar Park has six dog waste bins the only litter bin (which is well used) is located in the children’s play area. I have asked the environment department if an additional bin can be provided for use in the general area of the park.
The hedge along the perimeter of the park at Panmure Street is starting to overgrow the pavement, particularly near to the entrance at the railway underpass. I have also raised this matter with the environment department and I have been advised that arrangements will be made to have it cut back.
The path in Orchar Park featured in the council’s 2015/16 Road Maintenance Partnership programme of works for overlay treatment.